
A Message on the Drought from HTGCD General Manager

Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District has declared Emergency Drought for the first time in history.  We are seeing the severe impact of drought and increased pumping across the Hill Country.  In Wimberley, Jacob’s Well and Blue Hole are both closed for swimming due to low or no flow and associated water quality concerns.  Groundwater levels … Continue reading A Message on the Drought from HTGCD General Manager

Trinity Aquifer Water Level Changes

Today, staff accompanied a Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District hydrogeologist to measure water level changes in wells near Burnett Ranches.  A 2021 Neighborhood Site Visits program documented water levels in wells in four areas near the Regional Recharge Study Area (along the Blanco, generally upstream of Fischer Store Rd) and in the Jacob’s Well Groundwater … Continue reading Trinity Aquifer Water Level Changes

Press Release: Jacob’s Well Reaches Zero Flow

WIMBERLEY, TEXAS – July 28, 2022: Jacob’s Well has reached zero flow.  This has serious ramifications for the surrounding community.  The Middle Trinity Aquifer is both a major water supply for the area and the water source for Jacob’s Well, the headwaters of Cypress Creek. With low to no flow from Jacob’s Well over the … Continue reading Press Release: Jacob’s Well Reaches Zero Flow


Our colleagues at TESPA sent out the following news release today (7/28/2022): According to records at the Texas Secretary of State’s office, Electro Purification LLC has been dissolved. The Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District is moving through the required process of concluding the EP permit request. This news puts an end to a seven-year … Continue reading TESPA News Release: EP GONE HOME?

An urgent message to groundwater users in the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District

Spring flow and groundwater levels are at critically low levels. Most residents in western Hays County rely on groundwater for potable drinking water, whether from an individual well or a water utility like Aqua Texas or Wimberley Water Supply Corp. We need to reduce water use to preserve existing water supplies until we receive enough … Continue reading An urgent message to groundwater users in the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District