
Cherryville Plans to Dump Sewage into the San Marcos River

An Alert From Our Friends at the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance We’ve informed you in the past about various Texas developments attempting to dump their treated sewage into our Hill Country waterways, but none of those developments rival Cherryville for sheer size. When completed in a few years, Cherryville will be an actual city of 25,000 – … Continue reading Cherryville Plans to Dump Sewage into the San Marcos River

A Review of Texas Water Legislation for the 86th Session

By: Cyndi Jackson – Woodcreek City Council Here are all the water bills that passed (and might affect us) excluding the amendment. Understanding critical water supplies, creative methods of re-using water, and enhanced protection against polluters underscore the water “wins” during this legislative session.  While not every good bill made it through, the ones that … Continue reading A Review of Texas Water Legislation for the 86th Session

Austin City Council Unanimously Opposes the Permian Highway Pipeline

Joining a great many other Central Texas communities, the Austin City Council on Wednesday June 19, unanimously approved a resolution opposing the 430 mile natural gas pipeline that energy company Kinder Morgan is routing through the Hill Country. With that, Austin joins the ranks of cities and counties, school districts, and businesses and organizations opposed to the … Continue reading Austin City Council Unanimously Opposes the Permian Highway Pipeline

Microplastics are making their way into our food, water, air and bodies!

A new study from the World Wildlife Federation suggests we are ingesting an average of 5 grams of plastic every week. The plastic we are ingesting is from particles smaller than five millimeters. These “microplastics” are making their way into our food, drinking water and even the air. A study by the University of Newcastle, in Australia … Continue reading Microplastics are making their way into our food, water, air and bodies!

Tell Governor Abbott to Veto HB 1806 Which Goes Against The Edwards Aquifer Authority’s Long Term Goals

The article below by Elena Tucker was published by The Boerne Star on Friday, May 24, 2019 On May 22, HB 1806 was voted through by the Texas Senate, clearing the way for the San Antonio Water System to sell 1,500 acre feet of water across county lines from Bexar into Kendall. Despite vigorous and organized opposition … Continue reading Tell Governor Abbott to Veto HB 1806 Which Goes Against The Edwards Aquifer Authority’s Long Term Goals