
Groundwater Permit Planning Guide for Western Hays County

The new Groundwater Permit Planning Guide provides an overview of groundwater systems, aquifers and the associated geologic formations, and permit limitations in Western Hays County.  This guide, a collaboration between the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, the Hays County Development Services, and the Cypress Creek Project partners (including the Watershed Association), is meant to inform … Continue reading Groundwater Permit Planning Guide for Western Hays County

Two New Monitor Wells for the Jacobs Well GMZ

In March and April, two new monitor wells were installed inside the Jacob’s Well Groundwater Management Zone to better document groundwater conditions and aquifer dynamics.  These are no ordinary wells.  The Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District, and Hays County collaborated with the Watershed Association and Hays County Jacob’s Well … Continue reading Two New Monitor Wells for the Jacobs Well GMZ

Drought Conditions Return

April 2022 Hydro Report Middle Trinity spring flow in the Blanco River basin has been generally on the decline since November 2021, with only a small recharge event at the end of February.  Drought conditions have returned.  Jacob’s Well spring, and therefore Cypress Creek, is fluctuating between 2 and 3 cubic feet per second (cfs).  … Continue reading Drought Conditions Return

TCEQ Denies Pristine Streams Rulemaking Petition but…

From January 31 to March 30, over 1200 comments were submitted on the TCEQ Pristine Streams rule change petition.  This had incredible effect on the Commissioners as they met on March 30th to hear public comments and take action on the petition.  Over an hour of eloquent, heart-felt, researched comments made a lasting impression. Blanco … Continue reading TCEQ Denies Pristine Streams Rulemaking Petition but…