
GBRA Planning for Habitat Conservation Plan

Habitat Conservation Plans (HCP) are designed to protect endangered and threatened species from activities within their range.  The Guadalupe Blanco River Authority announced last year that they are working to develop a basin-wide Guadalupe River HCP, which includes the Blanco River.  The first public meeting in the planning process will be held on Tuesday, June … Continue reading GBRA Planning for Habitat Conservation Plan

Tribute to Sky Jones-Lewey

This May we all lost a powerful, no-nonsense, force of nature—Sky Jones-Lewey.  As Resource Protection and Education Director for the Nueces River Authority, she touched thousands of lives, spearheaded award-winning programs, and lead wide-reaching efforts to control invasive plants and protect water quality.  Her smile, her tenacity, her knowledge, and her contagious love of the … Continue reading Tribute to Sky Jones-Lewey

TESPA Initiates Legal Action to Protect Water & Endangered Species

Trinity Edwards Springs Protection Association (TESPA) has issued a notice of intent to take legal action protesting the proposed Far South Mining LLC TCEQ permit to stop the proposed quarry and rock crushing plant on the Needmore Ranch.  The Watershed Association has a long history of collaborating and supporting TESPA through the Water Protectors Fund, … Continue reading TESPA Initiates Legal Action to Protect Water & Endangered Species

Cypress Creek and Blanco River Clean Rivers Coordinated Monitoring Update

Monitoring the water quality of our springs, creeks, and rivers is an essential part of stewardship.  It is impossible to manage what isn’t measured.  The Watershed Association has been collecting quality assured water quality data since 2003 in collaboration with the Clean Rivers Program, a statewide water quality monitoring program run by the Texas Commission … Continue reading Cypress Creek and Blanco River Clean Rivers Coordinated Monitoring Update

Sacred Springs Kite Exhibition Now Open

The Art4Water Sacred Springs Kite Exhibition at the Austin Central Library is a MUST-SEE exhibit for at least two reasons. First, the Watershed’s Art4Water team guided by the vision and leadership of Terry Zee Lee and Ryan Willett have collaborated with 47 incredible artists and kitemakers, for the last year to create the first exhibit … Continue reading Sacred Springs Kite Exhibition Now Open