
Roughhouse Brewing event features Clear Springs Lager, benefiting watershed awareness

We’re so excited that Roughhouse Brewing’s newest small batch brew is a cause-brew benefiting the Watershed Association!  Clear Springs is a light lager with a hint of Meyer lemon.  The Watershed Association continues to expand its impact across central Texas through all of our programs, including our recent work through the Art4Water Kite Exhibit and … Continue reading Roughhouse Brewing event features Clear Springs Lager, benefiting watershed awareness

Now Hiring: Texas Brewshed® Alliance Coordinator

The Texas Brewshed® Alliance inspires land and water stewardship across Texas through engaging brewers and beer drinkers through incentives to conserve and protect water. This program highlights watersheds as the source of clear water and their vital role in sustaining the natural landscapes and craft beer that we love. The Texas Brewshed® Alliance is a … Continue reading Now Hiring: Texas Brewshed® Alliance Coordinator

TCEQ Pristine Streams Stakeholder Meeting – Aug. 31, 1:30-4:30

On March 30, 2022, TCEQ Commissioners voted to deny the Pristine Streams Rule Change Petition, but they opened the door for continued discussion with staff and stakeholders on how to better protect Texas’ pristine streams.  Nearly 5 months later, TCEQ is holding a Pristine Streams Stakeholders Meeting, so staff can present and hear from the … Continue reading TCEQ Pristine Streams Stakeholder Meeting – Aug. 31, 1:30-4:30

Drought, Groundwater Pumping, and the Need for Conservation

Jacob’s Well flow reached a daily average of zero flow on August 6, 2022.  As of August 18, there have been 7 days with a daily average of zero.  Including this year, Jacob’s Well has stopped flowing 5 times in recent history–2000, 2009, 2011, 2013, and now 2022. Zero and low flow conditions have major … Continue reading Drought, Groundwater Pumping, and the Need for Conservation