Natural Area Expansion Project: Land Preservation at the Headwaters of Cypress Creek

The landowners interested in discussing the opportunity for participating in a conservation program include Colman’s Canyon owned by the Coleman Family, the property owned by Stephen Flocke and the Rocky Romano tract.
The Coleman Family have one large parcel at just under 156 acres, Stephen Flocke owns just under 45 acres, and the Romano tract is just over 74 acres.
There are numerous natural features, with significant terrain characteristics and the Wimberley Bat Cave that help to give this project a compelling and identifiable tangible resource protection goal. The land as a resource lends itself well to preservation and proper management would enhance the ecologically sensitive area. The owners have all expressed interest in preserving the sites.
This report is a record of initial observations, one of the landowner’s notes and monitoring data, as well as the initial site visit by a licensed field biologist.