Groundwater Workshop Recap
Western Hays County is a groundwater-dependent area. All residents and businesses rely on groundwater or rainwater as their drinking water supply. The springs that provide baseflow to Cypress Creek and the Blanco River come from the same water supply aquifer–the Middle Trinity. With drought and increases in population, it is important to raise awareness about … Continue reading Groundwater Workshop Recap

Riparian Workshop Recap – Sentinel Peak Preserve, 3/22/2023
Healthy riparian areas help sustain the Hill Country’s iconic, clear creeks and rivers. At the boundary between land and water, riparian areas are natural infrastructure that help filter and slow stormwater, prevent erosion, trap sediment and uptake nutrients, and allow for infiltration and recharge into the groundwater system. Conserving healthy riparian areas while allowing … Continue reading Riparian Workshop Recap – Sentinel Peak Preserve, 3/22/2023