
TESPA Scores First Win in EP Case!

This week the SOAH Administrative Law Judge assigned to the Electro Purification contested case denied motions filed by both Electro Purification and GoForth Special Utility District opposing TESPA’s request for a subpoena commanding GoForth to produce certain documents relevant to the case.  When evaluating whether to grant or deny a permit, the Barton Springs Edwards … Continue reading TESPA Scores First Win in EP Case!

Texas Land Trends & Conservation Easements

Texas Land Trends & Conservation Easements”Conservation will ultimately boil down to rewarding the private landowner who conserves the public interest.” – Aldo Leopold Conservationist, forester and wildlife biologist The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute has just released a fascinating Texas Land Trends Report. Texas working lands are undergoing a fundamental change, one that has implications for rural economies, … Continue reading Texas Land Trends & Conservation Easements

Climate Change Could Be a Major Challenge for the Edwards Aquifer

Below are a couple excerpts from The National Climate Assessment’s review of the Edwards Aquifer. This review was written to help inform decision-makers, utility and natural resource managers, public health officials, emergency planners, and other stakeholders by providing a thorough examination of the effects of climate change on the United States. As a shallow karst … Continue reading Climate Change Could Be a Major Challenge for the Edwards Aquifer

Texas Cities Turn to ASR as an Innovative Water Supply Strategy

The fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA) has made it crystal clear how the challenges of climate change are impacting our aquifers across the country.  Municipalities are turning to new technologies to meet water demands.  For many entities, investing in Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) systems seems like a viable solution. ASR works like this: during times of plentiful water, … Continue reading Texas Cities Turn to ASR as an Innovative Water Supply Strategy