
Preferred Wastewater Systems for the Texas Hill Country Report

The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment at Texas State University, in collaboration with the Save Barton Creek Association, the Wimberley Valley Watershed Association (WVWA) and Community Environmental Services, recently published a report that provides guidance on a variety of cost-effective wastewater solutions for the Texas Hill Country. “Water is a precious and limited … Continue reading Preferred Wastewater Systems for the Texas Hill Country Report

HB 2771 Would Allow Oil & Gas to Dump Wastewater into our Rivers and Streams

The audacity of this proposed bill is going to astound you! JM Lozano filed a bill, HB 2771, that would allow the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to authorize the dumping of wastewater from oil and gas operations into our state’s streams, rivers, reservoirs, and bays. Any claims that oil and gas wastewater is … Continue reading HB 2771 Would Allow Oil & Gas to Dump Wastewater into our Rivers and Streams

“Save the Hill Country” Gathering at Vista Brewing Bonds Local Resistance to Pipeline Project

The grounds of Karen and Kent Killough’s brewery is an embodiment of the Texas Hill Country. Picnic tables crowd up under gently sloped live oak groves where patrons can sip on beers brewed with water mined from directly underfoot. A wooden swing sways in the early evening breeze. Hummingbirds buzz around while music plays. It’s … Continue reading “Save the Hill Country” Gathering at Vista Brewing Bonds Local Resistance to Pipeline Project

Permian Highway Pipeline Would Clear Cut Endangered Golden Cheek Warbler Habitat

With Spring starting to bloom the beautiful and iconic Golden Cheek Warblers are arriving in Texas to nest. Unlike other warbler species, this species’ breeding range is restricted to a band of 33 to 39 counties in central Texas. The Golden-cheeked Warbler breeds nowhere else in the world. Birders come to Central Texas from all … Continue reading Permian Highway Pipeline Would Clear Cut Endangered Golden Cheek Warbler Habitat

Over 90 People Attend “Saving Family Lands” Workshop

The “Saving Family Lands: Tools for Landowners in Comal County,” was a BIG success! The Comal County Conservation Alliance (CCCA) and the Hill Country Alliance co-hosted the workshop on February 15, 2019 at the Anhalt Dance Hall in Spring Branch, Texas. The Wimberley Valley Watershed Association was a co-sponsor. The one-day workshop, which highlighted financial … Continue reading Over 90 People Attend “Saving Family Lands” Workshop