Jacob’s Well Natural Area Master Plan

Jacob’s Well has long been an attraction to residents and visitors of the Texas Hill County. An artesian well and part of an extensive underground cave system, Jacob’s Well contributes to the recharging of the Edwards Aquifer. Because of it’s natural beauty and ecological benefits, this project is a prime opportunity to highlight the importance of water and the natural environment.
With over 80 acres surrounding the well, this project will provide an open space amenity as well as an educational resource for Hays County residents and visitors to the area. The educational philosophy is based on the principle that people learn best in the outdoors through direct contact with the natural world. The purpose of the project is to promote conservation and create stewards of the well and the surrounding Texas Hill Country by
providing opportunities for educational and passive recreational programs.
The following objectives support the goals:
- Teach about the outdoors in the out-of-doors
- Promote educational awareness, appreciation and stewardship of Jacob’s Well
- Promote a conservation ethic that visitors can take with them
- Provide an open space amenity for Hays county residents of all ages
- Become part of a network of parks and open space
- Protect a natural resource which will enhance the quality of life and well
being of residents, visitors, and future generations - Regulate access to site in order to maintain and restore water quality and infiltration
- Consider LEED rating and implement Net Zero principles when possible