We are thrilled to share our brand-new logo and brochure with you! As we deepen and expand our programming for Art4Water and revitalize the Brewshed Alliance, we continue our ongoing work in the primary impact areas of land and water conservation, educating and inspiring stewardship both locally in Wimberley and across the region.
Our work in the Wimberley Valley over the last three decades has had deep and lasting outcomes in our local watershed and also in communities across the state. We have created a replicable model with the Wimberley One Water School that has inspired school districts and city councils in Blanco, Burnet, Comal, Hays and Travis counties–and beyond. Through work on the Blanco Water Reclamation Task Force, Pristine Streams protections, Texas Hill Country Conservation Network, and Art4Water (to name a few initiatives), we’re sharing and collaborating on large scale watershed projects with collective impact as the Watershed Association throughout the region. (Check out our brochure by clicking on the image/link below).