The TPWD Commissioners voted to approve funds to acquire the environmentally sensitive Honey Creek Ranch on August 26, 2021! At the headwaters of Honey Creek, the land acquisition will prevent the land from being developed as residential lots in favor of maintaining high-quality recharge lands.
Honey Creek Ranch was going to be a subdivision, but stewardship won. The Texas Nature Conservancy and Texas Parks and Wildlife are poised to purchase the land to protect water resources… but a water company stands in the way:
“Please spread the word that Honey Creek will not become a park unless the … contract can be stopped,” Terry Urbanczyk wrote in an email to potential supporters obtained by the San Antonio Report. “We have tried every way possible to get them to back down or change the contract but they will not.”
While there are still many details to work out, we’re proud of the Commission’s decision and the commitment for such important stewardship by Texas Parks and Wildlife and The Nature Conservancy in Texas.
Learn more about the water contract issue:
Water company’s moves anger buyers, landowners, local governments (San Antonio Report, 9/19/2021)
News coverage:
- Texas Parks and Wildlife votes preservation over development for Honey Creek Ranch (San Antonio Express News, 8/26/21)
- Deal to preserve Honey Creek moves forward with Texas Parks and Wildlife approval (San Antonio Report, 8/26/21)
Alert & Details (posted 8/23/21):
Land and water are precious in Texas. There are rare moments where the stars align and conservation takes priority–now is that time. Please take a moment to support these important /conservation acquisitions by Texas Parks and Wildlife. Submit comments before Thursday, Aug. 25, 2021. We did. Here’s what we said in support of the land acquisition of Honey Creek Ranch:
“Approving the Honey Creek Ranch acquisition is a critical step and a generational opportunity to protect exceptional habitat, water resources, and the beauty of the Hill Country. Texas residents and visitors will benefit greatly from the TPWD stewardship of this land. In the face of population growth, land fragmentation, development, and increased water use, it is imperative for Texas’ economy, way of life, environmental integrity, and water future to protect headwater reaches such as Honey Creek. That said, please, approve the Honey Creek Ranch acquisition.” — Wimberley Valley Watershed Association
Details on how to comment and where to find additional information thanks to Lori Olson, Executive Director, Texas Land Trust Council:
At Thursday’s Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting, TPWD staff are asking the Commissioners to approve acquisition of Honey Creek Ranch to protect the Honey Creek watershed (Agenda Item #13 at meeting Thursday, August 26, at 9:00 am at TPWD HQ). This 515-acre tract is adjacent to and immediately upstream of Honey Creek State Natural Area, a 2,300-acre gem 25 miles north of San Antonio. The 1,900-acre Guadalupe River State Park is adjacent to the SNA. This would be one of the most significant acquisitions the Commission has considered in recent years, crucial for protecting thousands of acres of exceptional habitat.
We need to let the Commissioners know we support additional conservation acquisitions!
To comment quickly and easily online, go to: https://tpwd.texas.gov/business/feedback/public_comment/proposals/202108_real_estate.phtml and give your opinion in the box under “Acquisition of Land – Comal County”.
On the same page you can also support two other land acquisitions:
- 100-acre land exchange at Big Lake Bottom Wildlife Management Area (Agenda Item 11)
- Some scattered inholdings at Big Bend Ranch State Park, Franklin Mountains SP, and Balmorea SP
For a description of each acquisition, go to the Commission agenda page, https://tpwd.texas.gov/business/feedback/meetings/2021/0826/agenda/